Frequently asked questions

When will a model unit be ready?

We are projecting the first model unit to be completed by September 2023.

Can I make a site visit during construction?

Soon! Contact Alex at 978-886-3271 for more information.

When can I move in?

Estimated completion is June 2024.

Can a Realtor help me?

Yes, please call Alex at 978-886-3271 or schedule a call here. Alex is an Accredited Buyer Representative and local expert!

Do you have other listings?

Absolutely! Let's connect so I can learn more about your ideal home and help you find it. Book a call with me here, or call me at 978-886-3271.

Do I need a pre-approval?

Yes. You can use any lender you choose for your loan, however, all applicants must receive a pre-approval from our qualified partner, Guarateed Rate, before their reservation can be accepted. 

How much is the reservation fee?

The reservation fee is $1,000. Purchase and Sale will be scheduled for two weeks from reservation acceptance and will require a deposit of 5% of the purchase price.

Can I modify my unit before it is complete?

The builder is not planning to take modification requests but please contact Alex at 978-886-3271 with all your questions and ideas.